Gefilte Fish Patties in Tomato Sauce

Gefilte Fish Patties in Tomato Sauce

If you follow my blog, you’ve probably realized by now that my family is big into gefilte fish. I’ve already posted quite a few variations. This one however, is even closer to home – it’s a family recipe. My mom has been been making her gefilte this way ever since I can remember, and my Bubby before her. My kids love these patties so much that I even make them for dinner every now and then. They like it without the sauce, so I just leave some out. These are best served fresh and warm because they fluff up in the tomato sauce. They can also be served at room temperature with or without the sauce.

NOTE: These patties freeze very well. If you are like me and don’t like to fry a lot, just make a double batch and freeze half of the patties. When you are ready to use, just defrost, cook up the tomato sauce and add the patties. They’ll taste as fresh as the day you made them.

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8 thoughts on “Gefilte Fish Patties in Tomato Sauce

  1. tip: Don’t bother cooking the frozen veggies separately. Once your sauce begins to simmer add them, in a few minutes they will be cooked.

    1. Thanks Sara! You can definitely do that but you have to thaw it first or run it under water using a strainer. Otherwise the tomato sauce mixture will get too watery.

  2. Would make without the sauce and just serve it with Chrain or cocktail sauce (or if your really daring, this new sauce I discovered consisting of Mayo, Sriacha sauce and chili sauce)

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