Musical Beds

Musical Beds

I noticed I’ve been neglecting the “coping” category for some time now. I guess that’s a good thing. It means I’m handling things. But not today. Today I need your help with a little something I like to call musical beds.

I’m sure you are all familiar with the game of musical chairs. Well in my case, the chairs are beds and the music is the sound of children’s cries in the middle of the night.

Let me explain.

After a long, hard day of taking care of house and home, tending to the needs of my kids, and maybe squeezing in some blogging time {if I’m lucky}, I want nothing more than to crawl into my comfy bed and get a good night’s sleep.

But as I’m sure you’ve already guessed, more often than not, things don’t go exactly as planned.

Take last night for instance. After completing our bedtime routine of bathing, storytime, and some soft music, I was hoping for a quiet night as my cold had gotten increasingly worse throughout the day. But my son would not have it. Try as I might to get him quiet, he just screamed and screamed. So I took him out of his crib and put him in my husband’s bed. I thought I had it all figured out. My husband would tip toe in late from his work meeting, and quietly transfer him to his crib.

Give or take an hour or two, my oldest daughter ran straight into my bed mumbling something about monsters and a bad dream. So I let her stay. Until she started poking and prodding me from all sides.

By this point, I suspected that my cold had turned into a full blown sinus infection and I needed some rest. So I did what any desperate mother would do. I went into her bed. After about 20 minutes of twisting and turning, my husband came home and tried to move my son over to his crib as gently as possible. But being the light sleeper that he is, he woke up and started bawling. You know that full on desperate cry that tugs at a mother’s hearstrings? (and wakes up the whole house, including the tenants?) It was that kind of cry. I couldn’t take him with me into my daughter’s bed because it’s too small for both of us, so I helped her sleepwalk back to her bed and went back into mine, taking my baby with me.

And then the middle one woke up. That’s right. I said the middle one. As my bed was occupied, and more importantly, since my husband could sleep through a four alarm fire, I sent her to his bed.

I don’t know what time it was by then, but I had gone through an entire box of tissues, and I was at my wit’s end. Not only was I terribly congested, I was achingly tired. I rolled myself up on the corner of my bed (so my little prince could have ample room to move around without kicking me), barely sleeping a few short hours.

When my husband left early for work, I climbed into his bed so that I could try and get a little more sleep until the kids woke up. It wasn’t long before they were crawling in next to me to tell me about their terrible night of nightmares and sleep walking!

In all seriousness, I appeal to all the young Mama’s out there. How do you keep your kids in their beds at night? I can’t really let my son (the major culprit in this game of musical beds) cry it out because I have tenants upstairs.

So I’m all ears. Please. Help. A. Tired. Mother. Get. Some. ZZZZZ’s.

And now for the coping part.

I may not have had sleep last night. And I may still be congested with an earache, throat-ache and headache. But I still had to take my oldest to school (her first day in 1st grade, talk about butterflies! [me, not her!]), drop my son off at playgroup (thank G-d for those few quiet hours), and start my round of pickups at 12, then 1 and then 2.

To get through the day, I sat down to a steaming hot cup of chamomile tea with honey and a splash of milk (no, I’m not English, but I like me some milk in my tea!) I throw in a little mandelbread for good measure, and I take a few minutes to breath in the peace and quiet.

It also helps to drink from adorable tea cups. I love this set from Ikea!

How do you like your tea?

1 year ago: candy sushi

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10 thoughts on “Musical Beds

  1. It’s so funny that you posted about this! I have no practical advice, but can definitely commiserate! I am also having the same issue and to get some extra sleep, I just leave the kids in my bed and go into one of their beds… not the best solution, but helps me function in the morning. Good luck!!

  2. Personal story: I was around 5 or so, and I went stumbling down the hall to my parents room because I had a bad dream. I went to my father because I knew if I woke up my mother, there would be hell to pay (she’s not a good sleeper so that was drummed into us early on). He said, “You can stay 5 minutes.” I lay there quietly, holding my breath, and then he said, “OK, time to go back to bed again.” I walked that long, dark, terrifying way by myself, and never went to their room again, bad dreams regardless. Who needs that sort of aggravation?

    If you want to nip this in the bud, you are going to have to harden your heart. Sorry, but no other way. That means never letting the baby stay in a parent’s bed, because they are crafty and will soon expect it. As for the daughter’s bad dream, she has to be taken back to bed straightaway and left there.

    My sister-in-law is a bad sleeper, and she lay down the law early on. She’s not tough in general but she feberizes like a pro. “You will sleep. This is not a conversation.” The babies sleep. She is my hero.

    Since the only way to beat a cold is uninterrupted sleep (Nyquil helps, but not if you are nursing) time to bring out the hammer (so to speak).

  3. Refuah Shelema!! I remember those days. But that was one area my husband was pretty strict about. It was always back to your own bed after a few min of comforting. That was the rule, no sleeping in parents’ bed ever! (Of course babies are different). When all is calm explain this rule to your kids. Tell them they can come for a hug but they have to go back to their own beds from now on. Be firm about it. Only let the baby sleep with you if necessary but move him back asap if you can!
    Trust me…they’ll still turn out secure and happy :)
    “an older Mom”

    1. Thanks Sharon! I’m usually so tired that I just want the easy way out so I can go back to sleep. I know it’s not worth it in the long run. Thanks for the reminder :)

  4. Sometimes, you just have musical beds. It just happens. As a mother of 3 under 7 years old, and a DH that doesnt share his bed, Ive become quite adept in sleeping in odd positions. I can tell you, a good strong cup of tea does wonders. Consolation: as they get older, it should happen less.

    1. I have 3 under 6 so it sounds like we have a similar thing going on. I appreciate your attitude being “it is what it is,” sometimes it’s helps just to commiserate :)

  5. I can totally commiserate! Right now both kids are sleeping in my bed while I work on my computer! We added an extra twin bed in our bedroom pushed up against my bed so that when they come in at least we all have a bit more space to still get sleep. I try just to remind myself that soon they will be too old to want cuddles so I should enjoy it. That and a lot of coffee!

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