Tag: Hanukkah craft

DIY Candy Mosaic Chanukah Tray

While this blog has become mostly about food, I still try and put on my crafting apron every once in a while, especially around the holidays. When I was given the opportunity to develop a craft for the Joy of Kosher Mike ‘n Ike Campaign – I was all over it. But coming up with a craft using oblong shaped candy isn’t as easy as it looks.

I don’t know if you’ve ever tried lighting a handful of menorah’s on a small plastic table with oily wicks and colorful candles scattered everywhere. It’s not pretty. Usually, we just wrap our table with aluminum foil for easy cleanup. But the truth is, I’ve always wanted a pretty tray to make the table look more festive. Making your own tray using a picture frame is pretty easy, and sprucing it up for Chanukah is all in the details.

To vamp up the Chanukah flair, I created dreidel handles by gluing two draidel to the sides of the frame (gimmel-side-up, of course!). Then, I turned to my bag of colorful (and tasty!) Mike & Ikes to create a custom candy mosaic under the glass. The candies had my kids squealing with excitement, as they watched the mosaic unfold into different shapes.

I spread double sided tape onto a paper that fit perfectly inside the frame matte. Then, I went to work “drawing” different shapes with candies. I tried creating a menorah, writing the word Chanukah in Hebrew, designing a dreidel and a Star of David. It takes some work maneuvering the candy around until it fits perfectly. One of the best parts about creating the candy mosaic, was noshing on the candy as I was doing it! I needed half of a Mike & Ike in some spots, and my kids were all too happy to “cut” the candy in half, with their teeth.

I love how versatile this tray is. You can make a big one for the whole family, or individual small ones for each menorah. And it doesn’t have to be just for Menorah lighting.  You can also use it to serve candy at your Chanukah party.

Imagine a collection of trays to adorn your Chanukah set-up. You can make individual ones as a school craft, or set one out at your party to collect Chanukah gelt for the kiddies!

Imagine a tray to display your collection of dreidels! Or one where the kids gather around to play (and bet!)

I encourage you to use your imagination in creating a fun candy mosaic. Draw Chanukah symbols, or abtract “art”.  It doesnt’ really matter – it’s candy, and no matter what you do with it, it will look awesome!

The most important thing is to have fun, no matter how you decorate! For detailed instructions to create this candy mosaic Chanukah tray, head on over to Joy of Kosher.

Other Mike & Ike Crafts & Recipes:

Mike & Ike Butterfly Candy Craft
Mike & Ike Menorah
Mike & Ike Rainbow Cake
Mike & Ike Rice Krispy Treats
Mike & Ike Bejeweled Sugar Cookies

Other Chanukah Crafts:

Chanukah Wall Hanging Craft
Dreidel Snowglobe

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Chanukah Wall Hanging Craft

You know all those useless catalogs that stuff up your mailbox before the holidays? Well, it turns out they’re not always so useless. Especially when you’re stumped in the crafting department and you’re looking for some inspiration. The Land of Nod is a great place to find it. I was skimming through their overpriced catalog when I happened upon this idea. And when you have the Hanukkah decor squashed into a quarter of a page (against a several page spread of Christmas decorations) you’ve got to learn to be creative.  When I saw the countdown-to-Christmas calendar, I knew I had to make a Chanukah version with draidel pockets for each night. The pockets are perfect little holders for Chanukah chocolate coins, the real (green) stuff, draidels and little gifts. You can even use the center ribbon to personalize it for your family or child.

Hang this fun holiday wall hanging behind the menorah for some festive Hannukah decor.

Happy Crafting & Happy Chanukah!

1 year ago: draidel snowglobe
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