Category: Recipes

Pickled Cauliflower Stems

Pickles don’t have to be intimidating and the best part about pickling is that you can pickle so many things, especially stems!! So don’t throw out those cauliflower stems next time and go ahead and pickle them!

To view the reel on Instagram click here.

Related Recipes:

Pickled Salmon
Pickled Deviled Eggs

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Roasted Cauli & Chickpea Salad

I might as well call is a NO-BISSLI salad at this point! But sadly, I’m taking a break from trashing up my salads with nosh but I still need that crunch – so I roasted up some chickpeas and I don’t miss the Bissli…that much.

To view the reel on Instagram click here.

Related Recipes:

More Salad Recipes

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Apricot Harissa Chicken

I love a hearty bone in chicken recipe, especially for Friday night. The combo of apricot and harissa is 🔥

To view the reel on Instagram click here.

Related Recipes:

Baharat Roasted Spatchcock Chicken With Tzimmes
Roasted Summer Chicken
Ratatouille Roasted Chicken

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Asian Chicken Salad With Clementines

Pass me some Vitamin C!!! Crunchy, citrusy, chickeny….
So so good!

To view the reel on Instagram click here.

Related Recipes:

Green Goddess Bissli Chicken Salad
Curry Chicken Salad
Grilled Chicken Salad With Jalapeno Honey Mustard Dressing
Asian Chicken Salad

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Tuna Couscousotto

We’re big on #meatlessmonday in my house, which is usually vegan (falafel! refried bean tacos! Smashed impossible burgers!) but going Pescatarian works too and I’m a tuna gal all the way.

This Couscousotto has all the risotto feels, inspired by Israeli-style tuna salad. Makes a great lunch or light dinner with a side of salad.

To view the reel on Instagram click here.

Related Recipes:

Lemony Hawaij Chicken Couscous Soup
Couscous Stuffed Capons
Israeli Couscous With Beef
Hawaij Couscous

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