Category: Snacks

Chanukah Cookies

It has a become a tradition in my home to bake Chanukah cookies during the month of Kislev. My kids love to take turns adding the ingredients to the bowl, mixing it up, rolling out the dough, cutting out the shapes, and most of all – decorating the cookies! I have to be careful though, if I turn my head, they’re bound to stuff a handful of sprinkles down their throat! We had a blast making these, and even more fun eating them. They are delightfully crisp, sweet and altogether perfect! Put some in a pretty box, tie with bakery twine and decorate with a draidel – it makes the perfect hostess gift for your next Chanukah party!

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Crunchy Shriveled Green Beans

I first tried the South Beach Diet a couple of years ago while working for an ecommerce company. My colleague, Chumie, watched as I struggled to get through the first Phase of the diet. After completing it successfully and losing ample weight, Chumie decided to try out the diet for herself. So there we were, eating hard boiled eggs and avocados, and it wasn’t Pesach :)

One day, Chumie shared this easy recipe for shriveled up green beans. I couldnt imagine why anyone would want to shrivel up perfectly fresh, crunchy beans, but I decided to give it a try and boy am I glad I did. The green beans turned out chewy and crunchy, with a few prized crispy ones around the edges of the pan.

Recently, I joined my husband for lunch at a cafe near his office. With my diet in mind, I ordered grilled salmon with a side of green beans. I was super excited to see that the green beans were shriveled, but my excitement soon turned to dissapointment when I tasted the soggy mess. The key to crispy shriveled green beans is baking them uncovered for a long period of time. Covering them builds up steam causing them to become soft.

When I got home, I couldn’t wait to revisit this quick and easy recipe. They were even better than I remembered. So, when the hard boiled eggs and avocado get the best of you, go ahead and give them a try!

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Roasted Chickpeas

After an extended weekend of nonstop meals, I’m sure we can all use some healthy recipes, expecially with the fast coming up.

Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are inexpensive and easy to find. They are full of fiber, and a good source of folic acid, iron, copper, magnesium and zinc. Chickpeas can be bought canned or dried and are extremely versatile. They are famously used to make hummus, but are also a great addition to salads, stews, soups and pastas. With a high protein content, and low glycemic count, chickpeas are great for low carb dieting. You can even purchase chickpea flour to use in cakes and cookies.

Roasted chickpeas are an especially fun and tasty treat. The beans get all toasted and crispy and take on whatever flavor you choose. The beans can be dry roasted or coated in oil (see methods below), either way, you’ll love this addictive snack. Just be careful, it’s easy to overindulge!

See below for my classic recipe, or, try these other flavor combos that I’ve found online!


• coriander, cumin, chili powder, sweet paprika, cinnamon, allspice, ginger
• cinnamon, cumin, chipotle powder, smokey sea salt, smoked paprika
• red wine vinegar, olive oil, dijon mustard, kosher salt
• tarragon, fennel, roasted garlic, honey, lemon juice
• brown sugar, rosemary, cayenne pepper
• lime juice, chili powder, pepper, cilantro
• apricot jam, wasabi paste, horseradish
• tamari, rosemary, lemon juice, agave
• soy sauce, sesame oil, chili powder
• tomato juice, curry powder
• garlic, pepper, rosemary
• smoked paprika, sea salt
• curry power, sea salt
• garam masala, sea salt
• sage, roasted garlic
• peanut flour, salt


• maple syrup, apple cider vinegar, nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon
• honey, apple cider vinegar, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger
• agave, basil, white pepper, cinnamon
• cinnamon, brown sugar, sea salt
• maple syrup, ginger
• honey, cinnamon
• honey, sea salt

Other ideas: basil, oregano, parsley, cloves, herbs de provence, chinese 5 spice, roasted garlic

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Candy Sushi

The days between camp and school seem to stretch on forever, especially with Hurricane Irene keeping us trapped indoors. We colored, painted, modeled stuff out of play-dough, built lego, surfed on the ipad, and played candyland. When a tantrum threatened to rear its’ ugly head, I knew it was time for some candy. But instead of handing out lolly pops, I decided to turn our nosh into a fun craft. Candy sushi is fun to make and even more fun to eat. Set out some chopsticks so your kids can practice using them.

I made these using store-bought rice krispies treats, but you can definitely make your own. Just follow the directions on the box and prepare thin sheets of treats on wax paper that are about 4″H x 6″W (or just spread out on a cookie sheet and cut to size with a knife).

Candy sushi is a great craft to make at a birthday party. Package each roll in a sushi container for an adorable take-home treat. You can also prepare these for a cute kids shalach manos!

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Watermelon Ice Cubes

The weather here in New York last week was truly unbearable, with temperatures over 100 degrees. I am the kind of person that just cannot stand the heat. Anything over 75 degrees is too hot for me. But of course, I cannot control the weather, so I need to come up with ways to deal with it. If there’s a heat wave going on, I usually don’t leave the house. Otherwise, on hot days, I tend to go from my house, to the car, to any indoor place with air conditioning. If I have to be in the sun, I make sure to have cold water with me, and if there is a sprinkler around, I’m more than likely to drench myself!

It was one such day that I was dreaming up some ideas for an ice cold drink to cool off with. I decided to make some lemonade, but instead of traditional ice cubes that tend to water down beverages, I opted to make some cranberry-juice ones to turn it into pink lemonade. I was about to head out for some lemons when the amazing food guru Alton Brown tweeted about watermelon iced cubes. Brilliant! I knew I had to make them!

Ice cubes are a great way to cool down on a hot summer’s day. Here are some other fun ice cube ideas:

– For iced tea or coffee, make a tray of tea or coffee ice cubes to keep your beverage cold without watering it down.
– Citrus ice cubes are great for tea or cocktails. Juice lemons, limes or oranges and put a quarter slice of citrus in each cube.
– Decorate your ice cubes with sprigs of mint, maraschino cherries, or edible flowers.
– Coke and ginger ale ice cubes are a great addition to any cocktail.
– Punch ice cubes work well in a punch bowl for your next party.

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