Perfect for Pesach Giveaway

Perfect for Pesach Giveaway

It’s different when you see a new cookbook on the shelf that you’ve never heard of before, and when you’ve actually watch that baby grow from the very beginning. You see, Naomi Nachman is a good friend, and with her friendly and outgoing personality, anyone that meets her (or follows her on social media @naominachman!) feels the same. Naomi has been open about her cookbook journey from the very beginning, and I was lucky enough to spend a day getting a behind-the-scenes look at some of the recipe development and food photography for this book. I even tested some of the recipes in the book for Naomi so it’s hard to be biased! Instead, I’m just going to share about the book, rather than reviewing it, because honestly, do you all really need my critique here?

Perfect for Pesach is exactly what it sounds like – perfect. for. Pesach. Except the recipes really work for all year round – especially for those of us who eat mostly gluten free, and those who honor strict Pesach customs that don’t allow us to use any store bought processed ingredients. I love that the book has a range of healthy and indulgent recipes, from how to make zoodles and cauliflower fried rice, to pastrami meatballs (recipe below) and fudgy chocolate bundt cake. Looking at the beautiful photography (thanks to the talented Miriam Pascal of overtimecook) it’s hard to believe that these recipes are truly kosher for Passover (hello lemon curd trifles)!

If you’re going to want to buy a Pesach cookbook, it should probably be from someone who spent two decades catering Pesach meals for clients with individual needs and requirements. Naomi shares make-ahead tips and well as freezer suggestions that are super helpful as well as cooks tip and year-round notes on most of the recipes. The cookbook has a really nice range of flavors – from Syrian inspired cauliflower crust lachmagine (you know I’m making that!) to Hawaiian poke (recipe below) and tequila lime chicken to herb crusted lamb shops. Of course you’ll also find traditional favorites like matbucha, salad nicoise, gravlax, Pesach cholent, chocolate mousse and so much more.

As for me, I’ve got the quinoa hummus, chimichurri coleslaw, maple glazed rack of ribs and frozen red wine strawberry mousse bookmarked.

Of course I’m giving away a copy of Perfect for Passover, so see the details below to enter!

As part of this Pesach giveaway, I’m also giving away a copy of Duby’s Pesach Lists which includes:

• Tips on making Pesach for the first time
• Cleaning checklists
• Shopping Lists
• Budgeting Tips
• Menu and calendar templates
• Last minute reminders
• Printable labels for your Passover cabinets
• Games / Activities / Discussion ideas to make your Seder more fun

You can read more about it on


To enter the giveaway to win a copy of Perfect for Pesach + a copy of Dobys Pesach Lists:

1. Leave a comment below letting me know your favorite Pesach dish.
2. For an extra entry, leave a comment on the giveaway post on Facebook or Instagram sharing what you love most about Pesach.

Giveaway is open to U.S. residents (for international entries, prize can only be shipped in the U.S.). Winner will be chosen at random at 10:00 AM EST on Monday, April 3rd, 2017.


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183 thoughts on “Perfect for Pesach Giveaway

  1. My favorite pesach food is Tortilla de papas which is not specifically a pesach food but has become associated with Pesach in our house because we have it more frequently then. Essentially it is like a huge fritata of cubed potatoes and onions. Delicious.
    My other favorite is my mother in laws charoset. Creamy, heavy on the wine.

  2. My favorite recipe by far is,something I once ate in a restaurant in Jerusalem. It was kosher le peasah lasagna. Was so heavenly that I still remember it 14 years later.

  3. I think I’m changing my favorite to the above Pastrami Meatballs. I can’t wait to make them, they sound incredible.

  4. My favorite recipe that I make only for Pesach is the chocolate mousse cake recipe from the Spice And Spirit cookbook. But I can’t wait to make Naomi’s fudge recipe.

  5. For the past two years I have made your Rosh Hashana roast on the stove top for the seder and it’s always a big hit!

  6. Made so many good things last year but I think I’m looking forward to matza pizza 🙈 Just doesn’t taste the same when it’s not pesach!

  7. Our family has a tradition of making Matzah Brie for one of the Yom tov meals!! It all started when Bubby (I guess got tired of so much meat and gave it a twist of Dairy) began making this dish and it became a staple in our house! That is my favorite Pessach dish since it brings so many emotional memories :)

  8. Oh my goodness… how do I pick just one?!?! Coconut Macaroons, beef brisket… SO MUCH GOOD FOOD!!!!

  9. My favorite Pesach recipe is definitely my chocolate torte. It’s so quick and easy but always gets oohhs and ahhhs!

  10. Orange meat.
    Basically ground meat with stir fried onions, zucchini, salt, orange juice and pieces of orange!

  11. Firstly I wanted to start off by saying that I am a big fan!! I have a friend who is a food blogger who got me very into blogs and food and trying new recipes and expanding my palette. You are by far the most practical and have the most amazing and simple to follow and of course yummy recipes! So thank you!!! And I would love to win the cookbook so my favorite Pesach recipe that I love making and eating is booblach- which is like potato pancakes that is a family tradition we make on erev Pesach. Can’t wait to win!!!

  12. The family time is the best!! I would love to win to make all the awesome recipes I heard naomi nachman and Miriam pascal photograph!

  13. Plain but supper yummy, mashed potatoes with chicken or meat gravy!
    And of course chicken soup with egg Lukshen!

  14. My favorite pesach dish is scalloped potatoes! For some reason we tend to have that only on pesach and I love it! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  15. my favorite pesach dish is small matza balls (fried) with caramalized onions! I also love matza brei, coated in sugar (its one of my favorite childhood memories)

  16. I dish I usually make on pesach is a stuff veal breast. I stuff it with a farfel or spinach stuffing.
    The family looks forward to it!

  17. It’s not a dish, but we roasted plantain slices and used them as a snack, and to dip into guacamole, salsa, and all the other things we want to dip matza into!!!

  18. I love making coconut macaroons from scratch on Pesach. Great recipe for anyone who is gluten free.

  19. My favorite Pesach foods are not particularly “Pesach-y”, so this cookbook sounds perfect!

    – Roasted vegetables, be they sweet potatoes, asparagus, cauliflower…
    – Gnocchi with alfredo sauce
    – Cheesecake!!

  20. My favorite Pesah food is my Israeli sandwich: one matzo schmeared with cottage cheese and another matzo schmeared with shoco,the Israeli chocolate spread similar to Nutella,put them together for the best sandwich ever!!

  21. Every erev pesuch my mom makes her mothers family gulash recipe. We eat it late in the day,after you cant have chumetz anynore,but before candle lighting and shul. So where not starving before the sader.
    Its with flanken on the bone,potatoes, onions,garotte,garlic, brown sugar and tom paste.
    Its a very specail recipe to me because my grandma past when I was very little and I never actuality it cooked by her. Today Iv been married for 18 days and now I get to start this family custom in my own household.

  22. My favorite pesach dish has always been sponge cake, it started with my Tanta Mimi and now I make it, and my kids can’t do pesach without it.

  23. My favorite pesach dish is nut-coated schnitzel. I take whichever nuts I have, either pecans, walnuts or almonds, and coat chicken beasts with it and then fry. So much better than breadcrumbs!

  24. The poke looks amazing!!! And Pastrami in meatballs?? What a clever idea!!! I have been meaning to check that cookbook out! Thanks for the tip;)

  25. hmm, my favorite Passover dish. we actually have 2 favorites in our house – a mushroom farfel kugel – which has been a standard in our house for 25 years. and the quinoa paella. our guests love it and my daughters take all the leftovers home after yontiff.
    chag kasher v’sameach – a zissen Pesach to all

  26. Every year for at least one Chol Hamoed breakfast we have souffled eggs. Separating the eggs, whipping the whites, folding them into the beaten yolks, then baking until golden – very simple, really. We serve the eggs with homemade strawberry syrup, or stewed fresh plums.

    The cookbook sounds great!

  27. The “dish” everyone asks me to bring to their seder is a really wonderful Sephardi charoset…..which I mold in a pyramid shape. Yes, I really do that….and then I place a small plastic camel next to it. This has been going on since the 80s. My favorite “dish” made by someone else is a large red gelatin mold, divided in half, with a row of Smurfs lined up along the middle….representing us crossing the Red Sea.

  28. My favorite Pesach dish is Black Bean Brownies. I know it sounds strange, but the brownie holds none of the bean flavor and the crumb is more ganache than cakey. Divine!!

  29. This cookbook would be a perfect addition to my kosher cookbook collection. What I like best is that it contains up to date recipes that would wow my seder guests.

    I hope I win it.

  30. My favorite Pesach dish is sweet and sour meatballs and mashed potato kugel.

    G-d bless & Happy Passover!!!

  31. hi. my favorite pesach dish is my mothers special sponge cake. She baked one for everyone she knew and was famous for it.

  32. I love love matzah with my homemade mayo. It’s basically 2 eggs to 1 cup of oil, splash of lemon juice, salt pepper and garlic powder. I put all into my container, stick in my immersion blender, blend till emulsified!

  33. Even though I am now older, Pesch has always been my favorite holiday. The cleaning is rough, but I love that everything changes, the dishes, utensils, and food. Growing up, I oved my grandmother’s sweet n sour meatballs. My cousin make fantastic matzo brei and I love Matza balls all year long.

  34. Our family favourite for pesach is still matzah brei and matzah pizza. Easy quick and delicious.

  35. I was looking for a good pesachdik meatballs thanks! My favorite thing to make are mini molten cupcakes with ice cream

  36. My favorite Pesach recipe is good old Matza Brie. I love it because it is delicious and reminds me of my Nana.

  37. My favorite Pesach dish is my famous chicken soup. It always tastes special and even better than it does during the rest of the year.

  38. While there are so many Pesach recipes that I love, my favorite is a simple matzoh pudding made with ground meat, sauteed onions, and lots of seasonings. It is delicious warm right out of the oven, but also cold for lunch or a snack all through the week. Eating it brings back memories of going to the circus during our Spring vacation from school and bringing that to eat since the vacation always coincided with Pesach.

  39. I love including seasonal spring foods in my pesach menus. one great appetizer is roasted artichokes. Clean artichokes as usual and allow to drain upside down for 15 minutes. Place each one in a generous piece of foil large enough to wrap it well. Nest some fresh garlic cloves between the leaves (say, 5 or 6 per artichoke). Drizzle 1/4 tsp of olive oil and juice of half a lemon on each, wrap tightly and roast in a 425 oven for about an hour and 20 minutes. Really delicious!

  40. Matzo Brei and our our chocolate chip cookie recipe-my husband’s specialty and the only thing he ever bakes.

  41. The pastrami meatballs would go so well with surprise chicken (pastrami is wrapped in a chicken cutlet.)

  42. I’m not a huge chicken/meat eater but on Pesach, a juicy piece of piece of chicken fresh out of the oven makes me happy. :)

  43. My favorite Pesach dish is a chicken casserole that has become one of the mainstays of our Pesach menu. Both adults and children like it and it uses up the boiled chicken from the soup.

  44. I don’t really have much of a favorite pesach dish – I don’t feel like my family cooks so differently on pesach than otherwise but I made the yukon potato beef jalapeno-spiced soup from mishpacha family table last pesach and that was incredibly good… so maybe that counts…

  45. I really enjoy simple foods on Pesach like salads and roasted veggies, but before the holiday starts I usually have a huge stack of blintzes, a giant pot of chicken soup with chicken balls and at least a double batch of simple chocolate chip nut cookies as extras aside from the food we eat each day and what we need for seder.

  46. Hi Chanie, thanks for this opportunity! My favorite recipe is stuffed artichokes with meat…they are served as a first course and delicious!

  47. Favorite Pesach dish: my mother’s matzah brie. I like it best with cherry jam — the only time of year I even eat cherry jam!

  48. This year I am most excited that my kids will be home over pesach! I also usually enjoy the simplicity of the foods and the fresh orange juice!!!

  49. My favorite is the apple crisp with marzipan crumble! I made it last year and served it warm with ice cream as dessert. Big hit!

  50. My favorite Pesach dish is a special gefilte fish recipe that I make for my husband every year just for Pesach. We also love fried matzah!

  51. Chocolate anything with almonds. I do make the Biscotti recipe from the Bais Yaakov cookbook, substituting almond flour for the regular flour. Come out really good…so I make them like that all year round. Would love a new recipe book for new and exciting recipes.
    Pesach Kasher v’sameach to you and your family.

  52. The recipe for pastrami meatballs really caught my eye…very unique ingredients and interesting combo…cranberry sauce,lemon juice,pastrami.

    Want to try it !

  53. My grandmother-in-law’s meat soup – she makes it twice a year, Rosh-hashana and Pesach,
    There are never any leftovers….

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