Category: Instagram Reel Recipes

KFP Chili Oil

I’m one of those people that puts hot sauce on EVERYTHING so a Passover without some kind of chili oil or sauce just isn’t going to cut it for me!

So I made you the simplest, most basic, quick and easy, few-ingredient CHILI OIL, to put on everything from eggs to avocado-smothered matza, chicken, beef & fish!

You can mix this into mayo for a spicy aïoli, Or add honey for an incredible hot honey sauce!

To view the reel on Instagram click here.

Related Recipes:

Sweet Chili Cauliflower Poppers
Chili Lime Crispy Salmon

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CharosHOT Toddy

I put a Passover spin on one of my favorites, a hot Toddy – with warm flavors of Charoset, that’s just perfect to for cozy Seder nights!

To view the reel on Instagram click here.

Related Recipes:

Apple & Honey Cosmos
Mitzrayim Mule
Jeweled Sangria
Sangria Sunday

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Almond Butter Tahini

There’s no going 8 days without my tahini fix so here’s my KOSHER FOR PASSOVER workaround!

To view the reel on Instagram click here.

Related Recipes:

Sweet Tahini Dip
Creamiest Tahini

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Fricassé Tuna Salad

When salad Nicoise meets the Tunisian Fricassé sandwich, you get the most satisfying meal in-one!

The salad is perfect for Shabbat lunch, or Chol Hamoed meals (Pesach is coming, ahhh!!!)

To view the reel on Instagram click here.

Related Recipes:

Puttanesca tuna Salad
Israeli Style Tuna Salad
Tuna Salad With A Twist
Tunisian-Style Tuna Nicoise Salad

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Yellow Ribbon Cookies

As Purim inched it’s way closer this year, I felt the dread coming on. I couldn’t imagine putting together shalach manos packages, getting dressed up, and getting into the holiday spirit. My heart just isn’t in it. So I went from one store to another, trying to come up with ideas for what to give out, but I always left empty handed. And then yesterday, I decided to put my heart into the cellophane and make yellow ribbon cookies. Cookies for the non-baker that doesn’t require cookie cutters, piping bag or decorating skills.

All I want for Purim is to BRING THEM HOME 🎗

To view the reel on Instagram click here.

Related Recipes:

More Purim Recipes

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