Category: Recipes

BBQ Pulled Chicken Sammies

I am sure that I speak collectively (at least for the ashkenazic population) when I say that I cannot look at another potato for a long time! Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore spuds, and all their different methods of preparation…mashed, baked, fried, sliced, diced and boiled. I’ll eat a potato any way, shy of raw. But me and Mr. Potato need a break. I’ve got to show some attention to my long lost friend Mr. Bread :) We’ve been estranged for some time now and I’ve definitely missed its crunchy and chewy qualities. What better way to get reacquainted with bread then in this delicious, and easy pulled chicken sandwich! In my post for pulled beef sandwiches, I mentioned how much I loved pulled-anything. Throw it on some bread and it’s absolute perfection!

Now that I’ve covered both pulled beef and pulled chicken sandwiches, besides for the other white meat that kosher people (like myself) don’t eat, what other type of pulled sandwiches can you come up with?

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Roasted Beet & Orange Salad

This salad is delicious and refreshing, and a nice change from the typical shredded beets or vinaigrette made on Pesach. It is usually made using mixed greens (bitter ones work best) but if you don’t use them on Pesach, it can be made without as well.

Beets have a delicious robust flavor when roasted. Many people boil their beets in water, but that releases the flavor into the water. When you roast the beets, the flavor just intensifies (this is true for boiling vs roasting all vegetables).

For a nice presentation, you can use both red and golden beets (just roast and cut them separately because the red ones will bleed), and serve them sliced on a bed of greens. Top it off with regular and/or blood oranges.

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Leftover Cereal Bar Treats

If you’ve got loads of leftover cereal that you want to use up before Pesach, this is a great quick and easy recipe. In my house, sugary cereals are reserved as a Shabbos treat. During the week, we have moderately sweet ones like honey nut cheerios, rice krispies and raisin bran. On occasion, when my kids don’t want to eat their breakfast, I’ll mix one tablespoon of fruity pebbles into a bowl of rice krispies and they’ll eat the whole thing :)

Now since the sugary cereals are reserved for Shabbos, it’s no wonder that those make up most of my leftovers. In this recipe, I used super golden crisp, fruity pebbles, cocoa pebbles, honey nut cheerios and some healthy raisin bran (leave it to me to deguiltify the sweetest of treats…this time however, I will do no such thing…these are legitimately loaded with sugar, no qualms about it!).

Normally you would not find me hyping my kids up on this “junk” (yes, it is pure junk), but you know what? if there is any time of year to make these, it’s now. They are the perfect bartering tool for your kids at a time when you could really use their help. It goes something like this: “If you help clean this refrigerator, I’ll give you a piece”….”If you go play nicely with your sister and stop fighting, you can have a one of these”….”If you go eat your sandwich on the step outside and promise not to bring any crumbs back inside the house, you get these for dessert”…you get the drift!

So, if you are looking for a bargaining chip, or you just want to get rid of your leftover cereal, go ahead and whip up a pan of these gooey treats!

Other ways to use up leftover cereal:

Create bars using dark/white chocolate and/or peanut butter
Add to trail mix with dried fruit, m&ms and nuts
For unsweetened cereal like cornflakes/shredded wheat, crush and use on fried chicken or fish
Sprinkle on yogurt or ice cream
Add to homemade cookies or granola bars

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Mock Chopped Liver

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With only one week to go until Pesach, it’s about that time to stop pushing off the inevitable…cooking (or at least planning the menu)! Thankfully, I have not yet made Pesach, and I don’t plan on it, as long as my mother, or in-laws will have me! A lot of people I talk to seem to feel the same, but there are definitely those who are of the opinion that Pesach food is delicious and exciting. Pesach is a yom tov that is so grounded in tradition. The whole idea of the hagaddah is “Vehegadita LeVincha,” passing on the torch to our children. To me, food is so much a part of that. Think about your childhood and so many of your memories will revolve around the smells and tastes of your mothers cooking. If you think back to a certain chag, it’s the traditional family recipes that transport you back to that special time. So for me, Pesach food isn’t about how gourmet it is, or looking for that new recipe. It’s simply about making the foods that my mother made, and those that my children, after me, will continue to make. And for generations, those same delicious smells will continue to waft through our homes, carrying on our traditions for eternity.

One of the recipes that my mother has always made is vegetarian chopped liver. To me, it’s like Pesach on a spoon! Eating it just transports me. She would whip up a few containers on erev yom tov, and we’d eat it alongside the fish at each meal. We could never shmear it on the matza, so we’d eat a spoonful of the liver and promptly follow it with a bite of matza.

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1-2-3 Decadent Molten Chocolate Chip Cakes

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For many of you, this will be your last crumby Shabbos and I was thinking to myself, what is the most indulgent, delicious, chometzdik food I can post? I could not think of anything better than chocolate chip cookies. The cowboy cookies that I posted back in January where one of my most popular posts, which is really telling. I think people just love cookies, especially chocolate chip ones. This recipe takes them to a whole ‘nother level. Imagine biting into a crunchy cookie, and the inside starts oozing warm chocolate ganache? Well that’s what this recipe tastes like. And when you hear how easy it is to make, you’ll be on your way to the supermarket for some frozen cookie dough!

Now since these mini cakes/pies are made using individual cookie dough cubes, you don’t have to feel guilty about having one. It’s as if you ate ONE chocolate chip cookie. How many of us can eat just one? But with these, the chocolate syrup makes them rich enough that one cookie is more than satisfying. And they taste just as good as those molten cakes you get at the restaurant, even better!

I made these for the first time this past Shabbos and I wasn’t sure if they would hold up on the blech for my Shabbos day guests. Not only did they hold up, they were amazingly delicious! One of my guests took a bite and was shocked to taste a warm dessert! So, if you’d like to surprise your guests at your day meal, go ahead and keep them on the blech, just not too close to the fire or they will burn and dry out.

Credit: I found this recipe on the facebook group “I Don’t Cook But I Give Out Recipes” posted by Ahuva Edelstein- Rabinowitz and Chanie Adler Tilis. Thanks!

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