Tag: chanukah

Okonomiyaki Latkes

I think I like making Okonomiyaki just so I can say the name. It’s so fun, amiright!! It wasn’t necessarily in the plans but I had some cabbage in the fridge (when do I not?) and I was craving something savory and pancakey so I threw it all together and it was everything I was craving and more!

Traditional Japanese Okonomiyaki is basically a kitchen-sink savory pancake with loads of veggies and proteins thrown in, binded together with a batter, fried to crispy perfection, and topped with Japanese mayo, sweet sauce and lots of other fun things like pickled ginger, nori, bonito flakes and more. There are no rules here, have fun with it and make it your own!

To view the reel on Instagram click here.

Related Recipes:

More Chanukah Recipes

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All Purpose Deep-Fried-Anything Batter

We’re halfway through Chanukah and I don’t know about you but I am all donuted-out! We love making fried Oreos in my house, But you can literally use this batter to deep fry anything! We tried dates, Peanut butter cups, even grapes and rice crispy treats! What’s the craziest thing you have deep fried?!

Click here to view the reel on Instagram.

Related Recipes:

Chanukah Recipes

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Chanukah Treats that Aren’t Donuts!

We’re halfway through Chanukah and the donut fatigue has set in! But don’t you worry – I gotchyu!!

First on the list, is definitely my pizza dough zeppole. It’s so easy, you don’t even need a recipe! I rolled out some pizza dough (Trader Joes!), then cut it into roughly square shapes, then deep fried until golden. I dusted half in powdered sugar and served with raspberry jam, and rolled the other half in cinnamon sugar and served with caramel. You’re welcome!

These cheese pancakes can also be called latkes, so you get your latke and “jelly donut” in one fix! Recipe here!

Fritters are always a winner, and this all-purpose batter can be used for anything from apples to persimmon (pictured), or Oreos to candy bars!

All-Purpose Deep-Fried-Anything Batter:

1 1/2 cups flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
1 egg
1 1/4 cups milk

Mix the dry ingredients in one bowl and the wet ingredients in a separate bowl. Add the wet to the dry and stir until smooth. Dip (almost) anything in the batter, shake off excess, and deep fry!

Yes! You are looking at JELLY DONUT NACHOS and they are a REVELATION!! So. So. Good. Fry up some wonton wrappers and dust in powdered sugar. Drizzle with jam. You’re welcome!

These jelly donut linzer cookies are SO. SO. GOOD. Get the recipe here!

These beer battered pumpkin rings are so fun! Get the recipe here!


What’s your favorite non-donut Chanukah treat? Share it with me! Post a Comment

Salami Potato Latkes

If there’s anything my blog is known for, it’s probably my drunken hasselback salami. Clearly people like the stuff. They like to hang it, they like to dry it, and man do they like to eat it!

If I’m ever in need of a fun recipe idea, I can just stick salami in there somewhere and chances are, it will go viral. My salami babka from last year was such a hit that Abeles & Heymann decided to print it on their actual packaging and, come on, how many of you have NOT tried the hasselback version, even the stores are selling it now! What is it with Jews and salami?

Well, I don’t know, but I’ll tell you this – I’m knee deep in cookbook editing and when I realized that Chanukah was just a few days away, I knew I had to come up with a latke recipe, and pronto. I’ve always got A&H salami in the fridge, and when I opened the door for some inspiration, it hit me. Why not add it to my potato latkes for some seriously salty delicious flavor? I decided to try grating it in my food processor so I could incorporate the salami in fully, and it processed really well! The result is a super fun take on a traditional latke that you will truly enjoy.

Unlike other traditional Jewish foods, I find that people are really purists about their latkes. They don’t want to sub sweet potatoes for potatoes, they’re not interested in the healthier baked versions, no. They want crispy, fried potato latkes that leave your fingers all greasy and your house and clothes smelling like Chanukah.

So here’s the thing: these latkes are a fun twist on the traditional, but they still respect the humble potato latke and they taste pretty classic too, except for some hints of salami.

And if you’re wondering why there’s a carrot in my frying pan, it’s the most brilliant frying hack ever! Somehow the carrot soaks up all the gunk in the oil and it keeps your oil clean throughout frying. You must give it a try!

Happy Chanukah and of course, happy frying!

This post is sponsored by Abeles & Heymann.
Follow them on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter

Other Latke Recipes:

sabich latkes
falafel latkes
poutine latkes
confetti latkes with harissa sour cream
butternut squash latkes
cheese latkes with raspberry sauce

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How to Build a Fish Board

Food boards are all the rage right now and I’ve been drooling all over them! You can find cheese boards that spread out for miles, charcuterie boards at restaurants and smoked fish boards at cafes.

I recently set up a charcuterie board for my husband’s birthday, and cheese boards are a regular appetizer at my Chanukah and Shavuot meals, so this year, I decided to do something a little different.

Thanks to the Jewish food trend, old world favorites are making a comeback, along with herring, smoked fish and of course, bagels.  I was inspired by some of the foodie posts I’ve seen, noshing at the newly opened Russ & Daughters at The Jewish Museum, as well as Lox at The Museum of Jewish Heritage. Who knew smoked fish would ever be in fashion?!

I’ve also been reading The Gefilte Manifesto by Jeffrey Yoskowitz and Liz Alern of The Gefilteria, who’s well-researched book highlights the history and process of so many old world Jewish foods. Their book is a mix of both classic recipes and modern interpretations, many of which I had never even heard of (Kvass, anyone?). The book is a real eye opener into Jewish food history and I highly recommend it!

Speaking of the trend towards Jewish food, I have to mention that, while it’s amazing to see all these books and restaurants popularizing Jewish foods, it’s painful to see that the “kosher” concept is all but ignored. Over the past several months, I was invited to two separate events which featured the history of Kosher food – one of which was a book talk and tasting discussing the journey of kosher food through the modern food system, and yet, ironically, the food served was not actually kosher. Another such event payed homage to Jewish culture and cuisine and yet was not either kosher. I get it, believe me, not everyone who is Jewish keeps kosher. But if an organization or a museum is putting together an event that is specifically about the history of KOSHER food, how can they serve food that is NONkosher??

This is something that bothers me to my core. And not because if I go to these events, I won’t have what to eat. It’s because the very act of serving nonkosher food dismisses one of the basic principles of Jewish food. As Michael Solomov, the Israeli chef, writes in his cookbook, Zahav, “Plenty of Israelis eat treyf these days….But at Zahav, and in this book, we choose to honor the spirit of a few fundamental rules of kosher cooking…..The reason is simple: Kosher rules help define the boundaries of Israeli cuisine.

Now I’m not judging anyone who doesn’t keep kosher. To each his own. But as we celebrate Chanukah, I’m reminded of the Hellenists, who stripped themselves of their Jewishness to become like their cultured Greek neighbors and friends. Jewish food is more than just a cultural thing. Kosher is part of it’s history and tradition. Dismissing the kosher aspect is both disrespectful and historically inaccurate. The very reason that many traditional Jewish foods exist today, is due to the need that our ancestors had to follow the kosher guidelines. I would love to see that acknowledged in the world of Jewish cuisine.

So, now that I finally got that off my chest, lets get back to the food, shall we? Nothing makes me think of old world Jewish food more than smoked fish. (Herring too, but I won’t go near that stuff!). In honor of Chanukah, I decided to share my take on an endless fish spread with some gourmet toppings. I hope it inspires you to put out a board of your own.

Happy Chanukah!

Products featured in this board:

Portlock smoked pink salmon (the large fish on the board in the center)
Ruby Bay smoked salmon in sriracha, lemon pepper and pastrami
Ruby Bay hot smoked keta salmon
Blue Hill Bay herb smoked salmon
Ruby Bay teriyaki salmon jerky
Milas oloves in chili oregano, basil garlic, chili garlic and lemon rosemary
Lucini Itali lemon flavored olive oil
Brooklyn Brine Pickles in spicy maple bourbon
Kozlowski Farms jalapeno jam
Eden stone ground brown mustard
Altius black sea salt
Baked in Brooklyn honey mustard breadsticks
Absolutely gluten free crackers

This post was sponsored by Crafted Kosher. Visit craftedkosher.com for a large selection of gourmet kosher products. Follow Crafted Kosher on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.

Related Recipes:

fish tacos + 8 International menus
how to build a fried fish sandwich
gefilte fish, 3 ways
homemade fish sticks

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