Category: Recipes

Shlishkes (Gnocchi with Toasted Breadcrumbs)

Being of ashkenazi descent, I grew up eating many traditional Hungarian dishes like kraut-pletzlach (noodles and cabbage), holopches (stuffed cabbage), as well as shlishkes (potato dumplings rolled in toasted breadcrumbs). My mother would make shlishkes on occasion, but I hadn’t eaten it in many years. We were reminiscing about it the other day, so I decided to give it a try. The idea of making a pasta-like dough seemed intimidating, but it was actually quite easy. Rolled in toasted breadcrumbs, these soft potato dumplings are sure to please any palate, ashkenazi and sephardi alike! You can also use this recipe to make gnocchi, and mix it with your sauce of choice (marinara or pesto are good options).

When I looked up my family recipe for shlishkes (which I’ve lightly adapted), I found something interesting. After the instructions for preparing the dough, it said, “take challah.” I would never have imagined that I would need to set aside gnocchi dough for hafrashas challah! After doing some research, it seems as though one would not need to “take challah” for dough that uses only 1 1/2 cups of flour (the original recipe used more). If you’re interested, you can read more about it here.

1 year ago: salad nicoise and other shalos seudos ideas

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Kid-Friendly Dirty Rice

First off, let me start by saying that I am posting this as per the facebook vote! I asked my fan page if they prefer a one dish meal, protein, vegetarian dish, muffin, drink or craft and the majority voted for the one dish meal, so here you have it!

Now, onto the recipe. Let me tell you how this happened. I went shopping to my local supermarket and picked up a package of chicken for dinner. Then I got home and opened said package. It wreaked. I’m talking seriously stinky chicken. I quickly called the store, who aptly credited my account and I dumped the chicken in the garbage. It was 4:30 PM, my kids were hungry and I had nothing. So I did what any desperate mother would do: I rummaged through my freezer and found 4 lonely hot dogs in a bag. Then, I scoured the pantry and the fridge and put all my ingredients out on the counter. I twiddled my thumbs while I thought of how I could turn rice, hot dogs and peppers into a satisfying dish with minimal time and effort. And then this happened. This delicious, stick-to-your-ribs kind of dish that is so easy to make, so budget-friendly, and easily customizable! Feel free to load this up with other veggies, beans, or any type of protein. You can also use chicken or turkey hot dogs for a healthier option.

After I fed my kids, I could not resist topping off my plate with a poached egg. The silky egg yolk coated my rice with a creamy layer of heaven and the scallions gave it the perfect bite. Don’t be intimidated, poached eggs are fairly simple and take just a little practice. View my tutorial here.

And by the way, in case you were wondering, dirty rice is a traditional Cajun dish made from white rice cooked with small pieces of chicken liver or giblets, which give it a dark (“dirty”) color and a mild but distinctive flavor (thanks Wikipedia! I couldn’t have said it better myself!). I simplified the traditional recipe by using seasoned salt and hot dogs, making it kid-friendly and super easy!


1 year ago: quick easy & tasty chicken

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Loaded Baked Potato Omelette

Potatoes have got to be my all time favorite food. I’ll eat any type of spud, in just about any preparation. I can’t say the same about eggs though. I don’t especially love omelettes, (I prefer sunny side up) but because these have potatoes in them, I kind of forget about it. You can use any type of potatoes in these, or even some leftover french fries. Top it off with your favorite baked potato toppings like sour cream, salsa, chives or cheddar cheese for the authentic baked potato experience!

1 year ago: strawberry rhubarb soup

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Spaghettti Squash with Sauteed Spinach & Mushrooms

OK. I admit it. I made pancakes yesterday. That’s right. After 3 days of chowing down on cheesecake, lasagna, and so many other calorie-laden delicacies, I still went ahead and make breakfast pancakes. And now the guilt is setting in.  I haven’t even stepped on the scale but I can only imagine the damage. I think it’s about time for a detox, don’t you?

When I come up with a new recipe, a lot of my inspiration comes from what’s in my fridge. In this case, I had some leftover leeks from this leek soup, plus some spinach and mushrooms. The spaghetti squash had been sitting around for a while so I decided to give it a go. This recipe is extremely light and diet-friendly, yet tasty and satisfying. Try it with a side of baked salmon or grilled chicken for a complete and healthy meal!


1 year ago: savory & sweet cheese balls

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Salmon Pasta Salad

If you follow my blog, you know how much I love turning leftovers into something fabulous. This salmon salad is no exception. Back on Succos, I prepared a huge portion of salmon and although delicious, I still had so much left over. Because salmon tends to get a bit fishy the next day, I wanted to serve it up in a way that I could mask some of its fishiness. And that’s how this recipe was borne.

This year, we go straight from Shabbos into Shavuous and I’m sure many of you are going to have lots of leftovers. And since not everyone has the luxury of leaving on their oven for 3 days, we’ve all got to make the most of what we’ve got. This recipe will take your leftover salmon from fishy to delicious! I’ve upped the ante for Shavuous by using soft Israeli cream cheese instead of mayonnaise. Make sure to bake your salmon in a pareve oven so you can make it dairy.

1 year ago: black bean & chorizo chocolate chili

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