Category: Dinner

Tajin Tacos

TAJIN TACOS!! So quick and easy and oh so good, using one of my favorite cuts of meat – oyster steak.

To view the reel on Instagram click here.

Related Recipes:

Skirt Steak Tacos
Refried Bean Tacos
Taco Skillet
Fish Tacos With Savory Plantain Tortillas

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Salami Chopped Sandwhich

Did you know that some people have a custom to eat salami on Purim because it’s hung like Haman was hung on the gallows? In the Purim spirit, I decided to make the viral chopped deli sandwich, only kosher! With my favorite salami!

To view the reel on Instagram click here.

Related Recipes:

Fried Fish sandwich

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Roasted Cauli & Chickpea Salad

I might as well call is a NO-BISSLI salad at this point! But sadly, I’m taking a break from trashing up my salads with nosh but I still need that crunch – so I roasted up some chickpeas and I don’t miss the Bissli…that much.

To view the reel on Instagram click here.

Related Recipes:

More Salad Recipes

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Apricot Harissa Chicken

I love a hearty bone in chicken recipe, especially for Friday night. The combo of apricot and harissa is 🔥

To view the reel on Instagram click here.

Related Recipes:

Baharat Roasted Spatchcock Chicken With Tzimmes
Roasted Summer Chicken
Ratatouille Roasted Chicken

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Asian Chicken Salad With Clementines

Pass me some Vitamin C!!! Crunchy, citrusy, chickeny….
So so good!

To view the reel on Instagram click here.

Related Recipes:

Green Goddess Bissli Chicken Salad
Curry Chicken Salad
Grilled Chicken Salad With Jalapeno Honey Mustard Dressing
Asian Chicken Salad

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