No need to rub your eyes, you’ve read that right. I’ve made JELLY. RING. DONUTS. I know they look like jelly rings. But these right here ^^^ are raspberry jelly infused baked chocolate donuts that taste EXACTLY like the candy. It’s a Chanukah miracle!

It all started with my husband’s birthday. He was turning 36 and his office put together a little surprise party. Apparently, they heard that I’m a “Chef”, so they asked me to bake something. Little did they know, I don’t do birthday cakes, but I decided to come up with something fun anyway.

JELLY RINGS are my husband’s all time favorite treat, so I decided to create jelly ring cupcakes. I baked up my favorite chocolate cupcake recipe and I filled them with raspberry donut jelly and topped them with chocolate frosting stuffed with a jelly ring. I even piped them and everything!

But I’m not a baker. So even though I carefully packed up those babies in foil pans and stuffed them in the corner of my trunk with a prayer, lets just say they did not make it in one piece. The frosting, which I had piled on high, did a little birthday jiggle with each turn of my car, and by the time I excitedly opened my birthday surprise, I was not looking very cheffy (understatement).

Everyone was nice enough to eat them anyway, and the consensus was: they might look like a poop emoji, but they taste like JELLY RINGS! Luckily, I had a few cupcakes set aside at home for my kids, so I was able to show my husband what his birthday cupcakes were supposed to look like. I posted a pic on Instagram and apparently my husband is not the only guy to love jelly rings. Lots of people asked for the recipe, so I decided I’d post it.

Fast forward a couple of days and I got an email from my blogger friends who wanted to do a Virtual Chanukah Party like last year. They had decided on a donut theme and I was in! When I thought about what donuts to make, I realized that I could turn my jelly ring cupcakes into donuts and have them not only taste like jelly rings, but look like them too. GENIUS right?!

So I set out to test the perfect baked chocolate donut. Something chocolaty and moist, but without that pudding-texture of the Hershey’s recipe. It took three tries but I finally hit the nail on the head. I used my handy dandy syringe to infuse the donuts with raspberry donut jelly, and I dipped it in melted chocolate. The results were beyond my expectations! The donuts look practically identical to jelly rings, and THEY TASTE EXACTLY LIKE THEM too! Seriously people. Jelly rings in donut form. So much YESSSSS!

Now I’m not the only one who blew it out of the water with my donut creation. Check out these awesome recipes from our VIRTUAL CHANUKAH DONUT PARTY!
Savory Hatch Chili and Cheddar Donuts from LittleFerraroKitchen
Savory Sufganiyot Hanukkah Doughnuts with Chopped Liver Mousse & Manischewitz Glaze from WhatJewWannaEat
Cake Donut Bread Pudding with Vanilla Glaze from KitchenTested
Deep Fried Brownie Fritters from OvertimeCook

We’ve also got a special Chanukah giveaway package that’s happening exclusively on Instagram, so head on over to enter!

Jelly Ring Donuts
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup dark brown sugar, packed
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup coconut milk (I use Original Coconut Dream)
1 egg
6 tbsp canola oil
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup raspberry doughnut jelly (I like Bakers Choice)
For chocolate coating:
1 10 oz bag California Gourmet chocolate chips
1 tbsp canola oil
Special Equipment
mini donut pan
flavor injector syringe
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Spray a mini doughnut baking pan with nonstick cooking spray and set aside.
In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, salt, and sugars. In a separate bowl, whisk together coconut milk, egg, oil, and vanilla. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix with a hand mixer until all of the ingredients are well combined.
Using a pastry bag (or a Ziploc bag with the tip snipped off), pipe the batter into the donut pan, filling it two thirds full. Bake for 8 minutes or until a skewer inserted comes out clean. Remove from the oven and rest for a few minutes before inverting onto a wire rack to cool.
While the donuts are baking, prepare the chocolate coating by melting the chocolate chips over a double boiler. Stir in the oil and mix until incorporated.
Fill the injector with donut jelly and inject each donut several times, filling it with jelly all around. I recommend injecting the donut from the flatter side, so that the rounded surface remains untouched, for a perfect presentation once it is glazed.
When you have finished injecting all the donuts, dip them in melted chocolate using a fork, and shake off the excess. Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet, rounded side facing up, and refrigerate or freeze until the chocolate sets.
NOTE: make sure not to infuse too much jelly into the donut or it will break apart.

This post is sponsored by California Gourmet Chocolate Chips. Follow on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. View the list of over 300 stores that carry the brand here).
Related Recipes:
pecan pie lace cookies with raspberry jam and chocolate drizzle
cheese latkes with raspberry sauce
candy mosaic Chanukah tray
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